Ternair E-mail Statistics
Data example:{
“Denied (feedbackloop)”: 0, } |
For these statistics follow the SAME standard: https://www.emailstats.nl/definities-same-email-marketing-statistieken-standaard/
Field | Description |
Accepted | Number of emails accepted |
Audience | Number of records offered in selection |
Block | Block number Ternair Campaign (content for email) |
Block description | Block description Ternair Campaign |
Bounce rate | Percentage of bounced e-mails |
Bouncers | Total number of bounced emails |
Bouncers (feedbackloop) | Number of bounced emails with feedback loop |
Bouncers (hard) | Number of bounced emails with feedback hard |
Bouncers (rejected) | Number of bounced emails with feedback rejected |
Bouncers (soft) | Number of bounced emails with feedback soft |
Bouncers (unknown) | Number of bounced emails with feedback unknown |
Campaign | Campaign name Ternair Campaign |
Campaign id | Campaign ID Ternair Campaign |
CTO | CTO rate run |
CTR | CTR rate run |
Denied | Number of emails stopped by Ternair Campaign |
Denied (blacklist) | Number of emails stopped with reason blacklisted |
Denied (empty) | Number of emails stopped with reason empty |
Denied (feedbackloop) | Number of emails stopped with reason feedbackloop |
Denied (invalid) | Number of emails stopped with reason invalid email address |
Denied (suppression) | Number of emails stopped with reason email address on suppression list |
Distinct clicks | Number of unique clicks – bot clicks |
Distinct openers | Number of unique opens – bot opens |
Errors | Number of emails in error when sent |
External reference (campaign) | External reference (campaign) |
External reference (selection) | External reference (selection) |
Offer code | Offer code for recipients email block |
Open rate | Percentage opened of emails delivered |
Run date | Shipping date |
Run id | Shipping ID |
Segment code | Segment code for recipients email block |
Segment code | Segment code for recipients email block |
Selection | Selection name Ternair Campaign |
Selection id | Selection ID Ternair Campaign |
Sender | Name of sender email block |
Sender e-mail | Email address of sender email block |
Sents | Total number sent (does not equal audience) |
Subject | Email subject line |
Test run | Test shipment yes/no |
Total clicks | Total number of clicks – bot clicks |
Total openers | Total number of opens – botopens |
Ternair E-mail Statistics Clients
Example cURL:
Data example:{ “Occurences”: 1, “E-mail client”: 0, “Run id”: 14764849 } |
Field | Description |
Occurences | Number of emails opened for client |
E-mail client | ID E-mailclient opened mail |
Run id | Shipping ID |
Ternair E-mail Statistics Devices
Example cURL:
Data example:{ “Device id”: 0, “Devices”: 1, “Run id”: 14764849 } |
Field | Description |
Devices | Number of emails opened for device |
Device id | ID device opened mail |
Run id | Shipping ID |