Ternair Processors (TPs)
When using marketing automation software, large amounts of data are calculated at many different times -realtime-. At any time of the day, campaigns are sent by multiple users, started via a schedule and as a follow-up to an inbound trigger.
If you want to send an e-mail with a gift to all regular customers on their birthday, the regular customers must be calculated daily from all active relations. Also, everyone whose date of birth is known must be calculated as to whether it is their birthday; then both must be combined. Finally, everyone whose e-mail address is not known must be excluded. The e-mail is sent out to the selected recipients (this can also be done differently for each individual by calculating the ideal time for sending when they are active), and this e-mail can also contain dynamically calculated content. Finally, all interactions of all recipients (email opens, clicks, response times, browsers, clients, bouncers) are recorded both individually and cumulatively. A lot of calculations, performed every day in a relatively short amount of time. For lots of campaigns.
Our software is set up to do just that. The processors that do the calculations, also called consumers, pick up each calculation and deliver the result in no time. These processors are extremely fast. Nevertheless, it can happen that a processor is still working on a calculation while the next calculation task arrives. Then delays may occur. Compare it to a pizza courier who, when your pizza is ready to be delivered, is still working on another delivery. You don’t want that, at least if it results in the pizza being delivered late and cold. The solution is to limit the number of orders taken at busy times, have the couriers cycle more efficiently or employ more couriers.
That’s how it works with processors, too. Running many campaigns with large amounts of data at the same time can eventually result in delays. Of seconds or minutes. If campaigns cannot be built more efficiently or scheduled at a different time, then you might consider having your processor capacity expanded with Ternair Processors (TPs).
You can view the daily load of your Ternair Processors in the Management Dashboard. In Ternair Campaign, click the cog icon in the upper right corner and choose the Dashboard menu. You’ll see how many TPs are deployed and how their hourly activity is progressing.
Last updated: August 2023, Ternair.