It’s a mouthful. It refers to the total number of records you store with us. Not to be confused with the “number of contacts” or “unique relationships. How that works. Here you can find an explanation of this term, which is part of every Ternair license. If you have any questions as a result of this article, don’t hesitate to get in touch: or with your customer contact.
If you’re working with Ternair, ideally you’re going to be working a lot with customer data. Your own first-party data. This data comes from your transaction system, ERP, CRM, websites, emails or wherever. In order to run campaigns with Ternair, that data must be available in the software.
There are two ways to do this:
- Remote: Ternair connects to your data source so you can access the data, but that data stays where it is
- Replicate: Ternair retrieves your data from the data source and creates a replica in CDP for you to work with.
By the way, with remote, of course, data is eventually “fetched” once your campaigns are run. This concerns only the data needed in a campaign, for example, an e-mail address, a membership number or a first name. This data is not stored as CDP data.
CDP stands for Customer Data Platform. It refers to the place where you store various customer data centrally to combine it and use it for 1-to-1 approaches and personalization of relationships. Or to get more insight into customers with dashboarding.
Storing data costs hardware or disk space, maintenance of that hardware, transport and security of data. The more data you store, the more it costs. You want to do this as efficiently as possible and create as few replicas as possible. That’s why more and more data is being stored in the cloud, and then others (like Ternair) can connect to it.
You can use Ternair’s CDP to store all your relationships and then do campaigns with them, such as sending a (personalized) email. But you obviously want more with marketing automation. You want to make combinations of specific customers, respond to specific current website behavior, click behavior in emails, combine buying behavior online and offline. Every time you do such calculations in your data and save them as (calculation) segments, new data storage is created. This is how your CDP grows.
An example. Suppose you have 20,000 customers. You put these in Ternair’s CDP: 20,000 records. Then you divide the customers by calculation into two groups: recurring and one-time customers. You want these groups available every day for different campaigns. Then you have (1) a datastore with all your customers, plus (2) a subsegment with the one-time customers, plus (3) one with returning customers: total 1x 20,000 and 2x a datastore with together also 20,000 records: total 40,000 records in the CDP.
The number of records grows with the number of new customers you add to the CDP as well as with the number of subsegments (datastores) of those customers. Thus, with few customers and lots of subsegments or complicated segmentations, you can have millions of records. And vice versa, with many customers and few segments you can use few records.
You can also store data smarter by not creating a new datastore each time, but reusing a datastore in multiple campaigns. Indeed, you can also extract specific information from a datastore via a datalayer, but that goes a bit too far for this article.
Back to the title. Records in Ternair CDP datastores. So this does not refer to the number of customers or unique relationships. It refers to the number of records you store in total with us. We look at this on a monthly basis, so you can totally decide if you want to add records, but also if you want to clean up, because that’s also possible. That’s how you use the space effectively. Of course, we help you estimate and manage this data inventory.
The Ternair licenses contain different amounts of datastore record as part of the license. Additional bundles can always be purchased on these, should this be desired.
For Ternair customers/admins: In the Management Dashboard in Ternair Campaign, you can see how many records you have stored. Click on the cog in the upper right corner and then Management Dashboard.
Last updated: August 2023, Ternair.