Email feedback loop
An email feedback loop enables an Internet service provider (ISP, like Gmail, Hotmail etc.) to inform a sending organization about spam complaints submitted by recipients of their messages. It enables the sender to remove those email subscribers from their lists and ensure that users don’t receive email they do not want.
Spam complaints
In Ternair Marketing Cloud, feedback regarding SPAM complaints is processed automatically into the suppression list.
In the default setup, list-unsubscribes are processed automatically into the suppression list.
By adding the email address of a SPAM complaint or list-unsubscribe to the suppression list, the user will not receive an email anymore until the email address status is manually changed to valid.
What is list-unsubscribe?
Internet Service Providers offers users a prominent list-unsubscribe option, a convenient alternative of the unsubscribe link within the email content itself.
The way the list-unsubscribe is displayed depends on the Internet Service Provider. For example, Gmail displays list-unsubscribe as a text link next to the email sender information.
Where IOS mail displays a more prominent list-unsubscribe, by adding Unsubscribe option to the very top of an email.